Wednesday 9 October 2024

Announcing Sea of Spheres - Conspiracy, Conflict and Conscience


I've been hinting at it here and there for a long time and now I'm finally happy to announce that a print edition of my Sea of Spheres series, with artwork by the ever amazing Windlass, is finally seeing print.

Conspiracy, Conflict and Conscience collects the first three stories in the series. No Route to Guide You, A Question of Conscience and Matter of State, along with the short comic Night Shift. The book includes all of the artwork Windlass produced for those stories, in high detail and full colour.

For now the print editions will be purely for sale at conventions and possibly a couple of local retailers, but depending on interest the possibility of online purchasing may materialise further down the line. A second volume, collecting the other three stories, will also be going into production very soon.

It's a thrill to finally hold this thing in my hand, remastered and fully tightened up. I can't wait to introduce a wider audience to Windlass' art. As mentioned previously, I'll be at the BFS Fantasycon in Chester this coming weekend and Thought Bubble in Harrogate in November, so if you're in the area and want a copy that is hot off the press, you can find me right there, ready to shove it in your face.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday 6 October 2024

Jack's October Update

 This year has been pretty exhausting and frankly it's going to continue being exhausting. With that in mind, here's what's coming to close out the year.

- First big news: I will be exhibiting at Harrogate Thought Bubble this year. I'm astounded that I've been able to get in at short notice, so I'll be doing my best to try and get as much print editions of my work out as possible.

- Speaking of print editions, an update will no doubt be dropping in a week or so detailing the first print volume of my Sea of Spheres stories, all illustrated in colour by the ever wonderful Windlass.

- Additionally, a print collection of my short comics will also be coming soon, which will include behind the scenes materials and a brilliant new cover by the amazing FlopsComics.

- Coming sooner than all that is Fantasycon 2024. I've detailed this previously, but it's all happening next weekend and I'll have a plethora of art, comics and books to get out there to the eager masses.

- In other news, from the start of November onwards I'll probably be reducing my social media usage, mainly to avoid spoilers for Dragon Age 4, which I'm going to be saving for Christmas. I'll still post artwork and stuff, but conversation will be at a minimum.

It's going to be a busy few months, and I hope the payoff will be worth it. In the meantime, thanks for checking out my stuff, and keep on reading.

Thursday 3 October 2024

My Beef With the Highlander Cartoon and other Tales


Good Afternoon Bat-fans. It's been a hot minute over on this blog. A fuller update on what I've been up to will be dropping shortly. However, I've been so busy I was remiss to mention that my guest appearance on the Batminute Beyond podcast had dropped back in August. 

Please accept my apologies and this link, which involves me discussing my history with the Highlander cartoon, anime and discussing action figures with fellow guest Neil Rickatson.

Bat Minute Beyond - Chunkz of The Joker: Chunk 11 - Pie in the Sky (with Neil Rickatson and Jack Harvey)