Monday 12 August 2019

Announcing The Whitehaven Siege or The Many Tales of John Paul Jones' Attack On Whitehaven Harbor

So, it is with a great deal of pride and a little relief that I can finally announce that The Whitehaven Siege, my first self published comic book, is finally available to the world. It's a 24 page comic that covers one of Whitehaven's most notorious tales, that of the attack during the American War of Independence.

Hero, Pirate, Idealist, Criminal, Founder, Murderer, Revolutionary, Opportunist.

The stories about American naval founder John Paul Jones are as numerous as they are contradictory. None more so than the only US attack on British soil.

This comic takes a mirthful look at the tales told of that fateful night and tries to dissect the mythology behind the man.

The comic, being a very niche and local history, will only be on sale in Whitehaven itself to begin with. Most notably at The Beacon and The Rum Story. I'll of course be selling copies when I attend conventions, the most recent one will be next weekend at Carlisle Megacon. After that I'll be looking in to getting the comic stocked in comic shops around the border regions of Scotland and England.

If the comic proves popular, I'll then start looking to get copies available online further down the line.

Thanks for reading!

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