Monday 3 May 2021

Jack's May Update


May has come round again, and with still no clear sign of when conventions and events can really start again, I've just been continuing to work on my projects and get out what I can. Here's a few details.

- As you can see by the artwork from the ever great Windlass, my second Sea of Spheres story, A Question of Conscience, is on it's way. The text just needs one more read through and it should be good to go. Expect it this month.

- Like I mentioned previously, my comic book beer guide is ready to go, I'm just holding it back for a more opportune time, but with the pubs beginning to re-open that time could be soon, but as ever, it's uncertain, so we'll have to wait and see.

- Last November I decided I would spend the month doing quick, black and white artwork of characters from small independent comics. I've decided to revisit that idea this may, so all month I'll be putting up illustrations that celebrate smaller and lesser known comics. You can follow along in this twitter thread here.

- The Beacon Museum in Whitehaven is going to be re-opening this month with a brand new exhibit on John Paul Jones, which is a fine opportunity for me to plug my John Paul Jones comic, The Whitehaven Siege, which you'll be able to buy print copies of there if you decide to visit.

Other than that I'm cracking on with several other projects that I'll reveal in due time, and as every doing my best to try and become a published writer. To keep up with what I'm putting out, be sure to follow me on Deviantart, Tumblr or Twitter.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Achille Talon said...

Hello! Best of luck on future projects. If I might ask, could you find some way to reupload some of your early comics? Something seems to have gone wrong with all your Photobuckets links; when I go to e.g. this post (, I can only see the thumbnail, but I get an error page if I try to open the image in a new tab to actually read the comic.

I've been pretty much bingeing all Jenny Everywhere content on the Internet, and having all your comics with her just out of reach like that is… very tantalising.