Monday 11 April 2022

Jack's April Update

We're hitting the part of the year where projects are starting to formulate into something and events can start to be organised. I'm still being cautious when it comes to convention appearances and trying not to overburden myself when it comes to work as I don't want to backslide on my writ problems. That being said, here's a quick rundown of what's coming up.

- The revisions on An Illustrated Guide to Drinking Beer are almost done and I'll be moving to a print release for local sellers and conventions very soon. As far as digital is concerned, I'm planning on releasing an abridged version of the comic with the basic intro free online in order to promote the full digital version that I'll put up on Gumroad.

- The third story in my Sea of Spheres series is almost ready to go up. Just need to give it another read-through while I wait for the wonderfully commissioned artwork to be completed for it to be finalised.

- As far as convention appearances go, West Coast Cosplay is running a small Minicon on the 23rd July at the Whitehaven Marchon Club. I'll be in attendance as a way of easing my way back in to the con routine. I'll be selling copies of my previous books, some prints and I plan to have the beer comic ready to go by then. If you can make it, come and say hello.

- The BatMinute podcast recently concluded it's series with Batman and Robin. I've had a great time as a recurring guest, and while it's sad to see the 90s Batman era come to an end, I have a feeling this won't be the last we'll have seen of Niall and Jon, nor me guesting for them.

- I was recently contacted regarding my old Jenny Everywhere comics by someone looking to update the Jenny Everywhere wiki and had noticed that the old images were hosted on Photobucket and since expired. I've now re-uploaded the comics to be accessible once more (Something I need to do for a bunch of other posts on here,) and as I did I gave them a read and realised they hadn't aged very well. While they're far from significantly problematic, a few things here and there that come across as poorly researched or ignorant of people's identities, so I've put up a short statement to that affect so new readers are aware of that.

- With the above in mind, I sort of felt it was my duty to go back and do a more modern take on my Jenny Everywhere ideas, so I'll be putting together a short comic to see how it goes down. More on this, as it develops.

Other than that, as ever, feel free to check out my other works on Twitter, Tumblr and DeviantArt and remember that all my most recent stories are posted and kept up to date on AO3.

Thanks for reading.

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