Saturday 5 January 2019

A Late Announcement for Memoirs of the Fated

You might recall that I’d mentioned in the last couple of updates that a print edition collecting all of my Ebooks would be on its way shortly.  Well, it actually turns out that the print edition, Memoirs of the Fated, has been available for a while. Because of all the chaos going on in my life since August (Computer problems, losing my job, family issues etc) I’d completely missed the memo from Less Than Three that it was out.

You’re going to have to accept my apologies on that.

So then, let me now take this opportunity to announce that Memoir of the Fated is out and in print. It collects three short stories The Reminiscence of Good King Carnack, The Scars of Jocasta Lacroix and The Reflections of Zantir Xanderfell.

All three stories are predominantly traditional fantasy, albeit from a less heroic perspective with mild sci-fi elements in the background. The series specifically uses the framing device of a character recalling an adventure from their younger days, and often explores how their personal relationships have developed over that time.

The series is still ongoing, with a forth story starring Carnack planned for 2019. However, all stories are completely self-contained, and written in such a way that you can read them in any order.
I’m immensely proud of my work on the series, and hope the print version will help it get to a wider audience.

You can find the links to purchase the book below:

Or just ask for Jack Harvey Memoir of the Fated at your book purchasing place of choice. 

Thanks for reading.

Better Late than Never

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