Saturday 29 August 2020

Jack's August Update


Wow, is it August already. It only feels like yesterday I had only posted the last update. Rest assured that I'm still working on multiple projects that I'm hoping to elaborate on soon, but I mostly wanted to post an update today to show off the recent commission work from Windlass.

You may remember me talking about working on Sea of Spheres as a webcomic a few years ago, and that I'd put it on the backburner. Well I still plan on dipping back into that world as you can see. I'm planning on following these with a short story that will elaborate on the setting and characters.

Some other stuff to keep you updated:

- Obviously no more conventions this year, what with the pandemic and all. Here's hoping some degree of normalcy will have returned next year, and I can get out there to get out my stuff once again.

- Work continues on my Comic Guide To Drinking beer. As with all my projects it's got a 'when it's done' deadline, but I'm hoping for something before the end of the year. Given the situation, It's likely a digital version on gumroad will be the first release.

- I'm still looking for another publisher to pick up Memoirs of the Fated and get it back into publication. If anyone can suggest a good home, a pointer would be greatly appreciated.

- I've got a few ideas for some more Warhammer 40'000 fanfics, but their just germs of ideas for now, but you may see more fanfic stuff from me sooner rather than later.

And that's all for now. In the meantime you can support financially by checking out Tales of the Modern Realms, Foul Cheeses and Space Diseases and The Whitehaven Siege

You can follow me on twitter, tumblr or deviantart.

Thanks for now, and you all stay safe.

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