Saturday 31 October 2020

Jack's November Update


Well, 2020 sure turns out to have been a bust. Now is usually the time of year I start looking in to convention bookings for the following year, but with another full national lockdown on the horizon, it's becoming increasingly unclear when the convention circuit will start back up again. In the meantime, there's nothing more for me to do beyond cracking on with my writing and artwork, and hope some folks out there continue to enjoy what I do.

- I'm continuing to work on the Comic Guide to Beer, but as the pandemic continues, there's clearly no rush on getting a physical edition to print right now. As ever, it'll be ready when it's ready, but other projects will likely get priority in the mean time.

- No Route To Guide You, my Sea of Sphere's short story with illustrations by Windlass, should be up soon, hopefully by the end of the month. If it's well received, I'll almost certainly look into doing more short stories within the Sea of Spheres setting.

- I'm still on the look out for a publisher to pick up Memoirs of the Fated, and I'm doing my best to keep an eye out for small publishers that might be open to picking the series up again.

- I'm going to spend November doing some artwork of characters from Small Press and Independent comic books. You'll be able to find them when I post them on my Twitter, Tumblr or Deviantart.

And that's all for now. In the meantime, keep yourselves safe, and hopefully better days lie ahead.

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