Friday 20 November 2020

Sea of Spheres: No Route To Guide You - Part One


Today's the day for the start of a brand new story. I'd talked a while ago about working on a webcomic called Sea of Spheres, and while that's still on the backburner, this new short story, No Route to Guide You, should give you a window into this world of floating landmasses and flying ships, and most importantly, man's inhumanity to man.

A big thank you to Windlass, who not only did the artwork but was also instrumental in forming the direction of the story and the themes I wanted to explore. They really helped me bring this world to life.

The story takes inspiration from all fields and genres, but you'll notice in particular elements drawn from Planescape, Warhammer Fantasy, Judge Dredd and The Wire. If that sounds like your jam then read on.

The details follow:

In the city of Icon, centre of the skybound Sea of Spheres, Eva Reinheart is struggling to get by. As a Horn she has lived a life being dismissed by the city's administration and brutalised by the Waykeepers, Icon's ruthless law enforcers. Seeking a better life working for the Justices, Icon's detectives and investigators, she falls under the tutelage of the unpopular Justice Leo Gunter.

On her first case, what appears to be a simple break-in reveals a scheme that stretches far beyond the city's borders, and Eva discovers that the civilisation she was born into is far more corrupt and unjust than even she had ever suspected.

You can read part one Here. Part two will be uploaded next Friday.

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