Friday 17 February 2023

Jack's February Update


Happy New Year in this most miserable of months. It's been a while since I last checked in with the status of my current projects, so I figured I'd fill you all in with where I am.

First of all I just wanted to say that while things seem to be holding steady with regards to my wrist problems, it's still a issue that's bubbling under the surface. I've had a few twinges here and there, while this week it does feel to have gotten a little worse. I'm still cracking on with artwork and writing, but I may need to slow things down at times when it feels like it's deteriorating.


- In case you missed it, I posted the short comic One Hell of a Night in December. I'm still amazed at how great Sam did with the artwork that I still can't shut up about it.

- My print comic, An Illustrated Guide to Drinking Beer, is now available to buy in The Harbormaster Whitehaven, and Dead Head Comics in Edinburgh. Be sure to drop by while stocks last.

- Currently Kristina is working on another small comic of mine. You may remember her fantastic work on my Warhammer 40'000 comic, A Conspiracy of Riches. I want to stay tight lipped on this one, but you can see a sneak preview of the artwork above.

- The first draft for my fifth Sea of Spheres short story is complete, and I'll be getting right on to the edits this month.

- While the Batminute Podcast has finished it's original run on the Batman saga, there's still other things to talk about, and I'll be showing up on a guest spot sometime soon. More information when it arrives.

So far I am pencilled in for three comic conventions this year, with hopefully more forthcoming later on. At present I will be at:

- The West Coast Minicon on the 25th March.

- Sheffield Comic and Film Fair on the 22nd April.

- Newcastle Comic-Con on the 18th June.

I'm trying to wrangle a couple more dates, so hopefully there will be more news in the next update.

In the meantime, I'm going to crack on with my projects and try and get them the best that they can be.

Thanks for reading!

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